Monday, December 31, 2007

not famous

I did not succeed in becoming a famous surfer. Playa Pesculas is for professional surfers and I am not. It is crushing. But tomorrow is a new year.

¿Quien sabe? Who knows?

1 comment:

Gordy said...

Hi! There was a few years Eddie and I wore tights and elf outfits in Helena, don't forget the elf dust! ;o). It sounds like you are having a terrific time down there in Mauvelous Mejeeeeco! Thanks for providing the blog for all of us slobs that are shackled to jobs so we may live vicariously through you two pixies. That's great you found such a posh pad ;o). That makes all the difference in the world. Post pictures when you can! Nos echan de menos mucho and quieremos que les quedan acqui cuando vuelven a Tucson. Tambien, si quieres, les recojo en Nogales. La recamara esta lista para ustedes cuando quieren.

besos y abrazos, g